As an international transportation company, BAFA has been serving a wide audience by providing professional transportation services from Turkey to all countries since its establishment in 1997. Our company aims at a sustainable and green life for future generations with all its employees within the framework of national and international legal regulations and regulations. In addition to complying with ISO 14000 standards, we strive to fulfill all obligations arising from national and international legislation.
In our sector, it is of great importance to reduce direct carbon emissions. Our industry is a heavy user of diesel, gas and electricity, and more must be done to manage the use of these increasingly scarce and expensive resources.
In line with the declared target, an environmentally friendly policy is implemented as the primary duty of not polluting the environment, not depleting resources and not harming living things. As BAFA, we are committed to the following issues within the scope of our environmental policy;
• To qualify all our employees in a way that contributes to the protection of the environment in their daily work,
• The commitments we have adopted in our environmental policy and our environmental principles; to share with our employees, contractors, suppliers and other solution partners, to develop environmental awareness through training programs and various channels
• We work for the development of environmental awareness in our workplace and we aim to create the same awareness in our stakeholders with the collaborations and joint ventures we have created.
• Strive to not only comply with environmental regulations, but also to implement internal standards to improve our environmental performance and prevent pollution,
• Evaluating the environmental impacts, risks and opportunities within the scope of your transportation activities, choosing the best available methods that will minimize the negative effects as much as possible, taking the same feature into consideration when purchasing products,
• To show maximum effort in order to ensure that logistics activities are carried out in a way that water, soil and natural resources are not damaged,
• To take steps to prevent environmental pollution by switching to the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, fuel and technology,
• To promote the use of materials that are recyclable and less harmful to the environment,
• To take the necessary precautions by preparing emergency response plans in order to respond quickly and effectively to the pollution that may occur as a result of accidents and extraordinary situations during transportation.
What Are We Doing in the Field of Electricity Savings?
With the studies carried out, saving light bulbs are used in warehouses and offices, the offices are designed to get the highest efficiency from solar energy, and our personnel are educated about electricity consumption to raise awareness.
What Are We Doing in the Field of Paper Saving?
Waste paper that cannot be used in all our workplaces is collected and sent to the relevant places for recycling.
What Do We Do with Waste?
In order not to pollute the environment, our industrial wastes will not be left to the nature at random, on the contrary, they will be collected in suitable areas and given to contracted recycling companies, while these wastes will be prevented from polluting the environment and at the same time they will be regained to the economy.
With all these commitments, we aim to leave a livable world to future generations, and we are pleased and proud to share our sensitivity on this point with you. We believe that economic success and environmental sustainability support and complement each other, and that these two factors are the determining factors in becoming the market leader in the Road Transport sector, which is our field of activity.